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Updated : 11 Apr 2006

Who or what is the Holy Spirit?

FAQs (007)

The Holy Spirit is God's spirit. Co-equal with God the Father and God the Son he (not "it") is the third person of the unity which is God.

He is personal being - not merely a power for good. He was an agent of creation, bringing order and life at the beginning.

In Old Testament times (before Jesus came) the Holy Spirit came upon selected people at certain particular times (special occasions) enabling them to use God-given abilities including leadership, prophetic insight, artistic talent and the understanding of God ways and desires. However, the promise God made was that one day he would give his Spirit to all his people.

In the New Testament (when Jesus came, and afterwards) the Holy Spirit is particularly active. John the Baptist identifies Jesus as the one through whom the Holy Spirit would be given and Jesus promised the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the young church on the day of Pentecost after Jesus' ascension.


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