
Jesus - Who is he?

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Updated : 11 Apr 2006

The support for Jesus claims...
...His Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus from the dead has long been recognised as the foundation of the Christian faith.

Jesus said that he would be killed, but rise again on the third day. Matt 12 v 39-40; Mark 8 v 31; Mark 9 v 31; Mark 10 v 33-34; Luke 18 v 31-33

His enemies knew that he said he would rise again (though they did not believe it would actually happen). Consequently they took steps to guard the tomb where he was buried to prevent anyone stealing the body and claiming that he had risen. Matt 27 v 61-67

After his death the disciples claimed that Jesus had risen from the dead. Acts 2 v 23-24; 1 Cor 15 v 1-11

If Jesus claimed to rise, and did NOT rise, he is at best a liar.

If his disciples claimed he has risen, and he has not, they are liars and the whole of the Christian faith is based on a lie.

If, however, he has risen from the dead it must be the greatest fact in human history and Jesus the greatest man who has ever lived.

The evidence for the truth of the resurrection has been presented on a separate page.

Click here to view the Resurrection page.