
Jesus - Who is he?

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Updated : 11 Apr 2006


"Go for the meaning...!"

Leah has graduated university. She comes from Rye, New Hampshire in the USA but has spent the last few years working in London, England. When she returns home to America she will continue to pursue God's call in church ministry.


How and when were you introduced to Jesus?

I was introduced to Jesus at a very young age; in fact, I cannot remember a time when I did not know his name. So my relationship with Jesus did not begin in a moment in time, but rather developed over time. As I grew and matured my knowledge about Jesus turned into belief and belief into faith. I was of course helped along the way by family, friends, and my involvement in youth groups and church. Perhaps the most crucial turning point, when my faith really began to direct my life, was when I began to teach others about Jesus.

What difference does knowing Jesus make?

Being a Christian makes all the difference in the world to my life. My purpose is found in God who calls me to follow Jesus Christ, and so everything else that I do is informed by that purpose. My goals, my dreams, my plans are all directed by my desire to be a faithful follower. But it is not easy, sometimes it would be much easier to just give up. It would be so much easier just to live life without thinking, without this added meaning. But Jesus never gave up on me, I cannot give up on Him. It is Jesus who makes my life worthwhile!

What advice would you give to others looking for faith?

If there was one piece of encouragement I would give to someone thinking about Christianity it is this: Go for the meaning, do not settle for the motions. God's heart is so deep, so amazing; it is really a tragedy when people just settle for going through the motions of church and "being a good person." There is so much more to life with Jesus than that, so keep digging, keep wrestling, it is okay if things get messy, God loves messy people!


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