
Jesus - Who is he?

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Updated : 11 Apr 2006


Jesus is everything to me

Vera lives in South London, and admits to being 82 years old. She is widowed but has one son.

How and when were you introduced to Jesus?

I was born to and brought up by very dedicated Christian parents. I asked the Lord Jesus to forgive me and come into my life at about 15 years old.

What difference does knowing Jesus make?

I have failed many times but never has Jesus failed me. Always he has been there, and still is, when I need Him most. My husband, who went home to heaven in 1980, was a lovely Christian. We had one son who asked Jesus into his life at age 5 years. Now I'm an old lady but Jesus is everything to me. He leads me, guides me, upholds me each day and one day I will go to be with Him in heaven, not because of anything good in me but because on the cross Jesus shed His precious blood in order that I might be cleansed. There is no other way.

What advice would you give to others looking for faith?

One day we will stand before Him. He will either say "Come, blessed of my Father, and enter in" (to heaven), or, "Depart from me, I never knew you". It is a solomn thought if it all depended on us! What will Jesus say to you?


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