
Jesus - Who is he?

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Updated : 11 Apr 2006

Peter B

...the amazing things that God can do...

Peter is taking 'A levels' at Sixth Form College (Senior High school) doing P.E, Geography and Media Studies. He plans to do a degree in Sport & Exercise Science at University. He loves to play sport, in particular Football (Soccer) and also enjoys Judo (senior Brown belt and hopefully Black belt early next year). He hopes to work either as a PE teacher or in the media, preferably advertising.

How and when were you introduced to Jesus?

I've always been a Christian, both my parents are Christians and both are heavily involved in the church and community. They also were involved in youth work when they were young. So as a child I always went to church every Sunday and holy days etc. I was baptized when I was about 2 months and made my first holy communion when I was 8. I was confirmed when I was about 13 and this was the first time I really had a say in my faith, this was my personal decision. I became a Christian because I had witnessed some of the amazing things that God can do. I had received the Holy Spirit when I was in America the year before at a Christian conference and that really cemented the fact to me that God existed. Going to the youth group at my local church helped me to understand more easily the finer points of my belief and made some things clearer.

What difference does knowing Jesus make?

I think my life is easier being a Christian than if I wasn't. Being a Christian means I have a set of rules to live my life to and gives me a direction that I want my life to lead. Being a Christian means I have someone that I can depend on whole heartedly and I know they won't let me down, ever!

What advice would you give to others looking for faith?

Be sure that you believe in God. Don't test yourself but make sure you are doing it because you believe in God and everything He stands for, not because you are following people.


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