
Jesus - Who is he?

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Updated : 11 Apr 2006


Granny suggests 'Try it'

Shirley is the mother of five and the grandmother of twelve. At one time a nurse, she has lived for the last thirty years in Queensland, Australia

How and when were you introduced to Jesus?

Nowadays, I am a Granny! It hasn't always been like that, of course, I had to be a mother first. Even before that I was always the person I am now. My name has changed considerably over 70 years. At birth my mother called me Margaret, but soon after, my adopting parents called me Shirley, which is still my name along with my fourth 'family' name.

It is good to know that God knows me by name. He had me in mind before He created this world we live in. He knew me when I was yet unborn, and he had a written plan for my life.

However, I didn't always know these things about God. When I was 15 years old I heard about Jesus. He, being God, came into our world and humanity to show us what God is like, and to initiate God's rescue plan for people. I heard this after a mad New Year's Eve party in a houseparty for young people. It was a long time ago, over 50 years! The people I was with had an extra dimension to their life, an intangible, and I was intrigued. At that point I didn't know I needed rescuing from anything, but I was attracted to the concept of help to live well. The party fun had been real, and different from the usual 'trying to have a good time'. As a sort of challenge to God, to see if he would make a good job of it, I said, quietly in my head and heart, "OK Jesus, I will let you be in charge of me from now on."

What difference does knowing Jesus make?

What happened next? Nothing spectacular! At least, not immediately, but as I found more about Jesus in His Book, the Bible, and met with my peers who knew Him for real, I discovered my attitudes and desires changing, and He became a reality in my life. An inexplicable experience based on fact. This decision has been proved to be the best of my life.

As an independent and strong-minded person, I like to know the 'why' and 'what' of everything. Usually I can think of better ways to run everything, from my family, job, and friends, to the world! Doing it in Jesus' way is always best! I married, and have five children who are all married now, and each of them has contributed to my twelve grandchildren. I was a nurse, and did several post-graduate courses, eventually becoming a Nurse Administrator in several different disciplines. My husband was Australian and we came to Australia from Britain, over thirty years ago. Sadly personal problems overcame our family life and we were divorced after eighteen years of marriage. In all the years since I was fifteen, I have made some terrible decisions, stupid mistakes, and some wonderful choices. I have found myself in circumstances outside my control, both dreadful and marvellous. The Lord Jesus in my life is a constant. He is wisdom, right thinking, and peace, every day. He picks me up when I stumble, and will prevent me from falling when I call 'Help'. He will always forgive, as we confess and repent of self-motivated behaviour. In a totally unexpected gift of His Grace, I married again, and from those few years until I was widowed, experienced a loving fulfilling relationship as we walked with Jesus together, seeing Him work in our families and friends, as a result of our marriage.

Life is still exciting, The intangible is the reality. We were intended to be in connection with our Creator, and His life transcends the earthbound concepts of human thought. I live in the 'timeless life of God, inexhaustible, renewing……'.

What advice would you give to others looking for faith?

My advice is, TRY IT.


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